Original Post
Replays, and stuff.
Yea apparently this is a thing. I won't say I am the worst replay maker ever, but I am sure as hell not one of the best.

Probably going to put replays up every now and again and ask for some cnc. I have a good few I can dump here so here are some of my less proud ones.

(Few things I already know:

Yes the opener in Cookie - Hunter Killer 2 looks retarded, but I was trying something, failed, and went from there. Not a smooth replay but not my worst.
Gotma is probably a better replay than the other two imo.
gnamaray1 was another experimental replay, there is a fair bit of parts ghosting in the opening 200 frames or so but after that it seems to be fine. I did notice a jump around the 600 mark or something like that though.)
Attached Files
gnamaray1.rpl (296.0 KB, 8 views)
Gotma 2.rpl (96.3 KB, 11 views)
Cookie - Hunter Killer 2.rpl (345.4 KB, 10 views)
<Abyss> I am Cookie, fear me \o3o/
Cookie - Hunter Killer 2.rpl

opener was confuzing and bad

the "launch" was bad

the decap was gross and how you contracted ur leg was too

everything else was just thrown in there