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[Art] Let it Clover♣Club
This is my new character Toxic/Dokuseei (Meaning Toxic and is also a side joke for the last name I have, Okuseei.)

This image is 2600x1500 px

Art inspired by the song Clover Club/ Cloba Clubbu sang by Hatsune Miku. If you want, here's the link:
In case it's not obvious, I kinda copied the atmo of the nightclub in ToriBash.
Here is the shot I used in case you want to see:

This is a reference

Credit for some parts goes to my little brother, OmegaDark1, for the following:
Atmo idea
Eye texture
Hair render
Programs used:
ToriBash, MMD/MikuMikuDance/MikuMikuMoving, Sai, Google Sketchup

CnC if you want.
Last edited by SweetDevil; Mar 12, 2014 at 07:58 PM.
Love me. Love me. Love me, until you hate me again.
Would you mind sizing it down a little bit so it's easier to cnc? ;o
From what I can see, you did a very good job.
I really liked the hair and the drink.
There were some parts in the shading around the neck, collar, and lower parts of the face that could be fixed. Make the shadows a little stronger.
The eye design didn't look very good in my opinion. Those colors don't mix well. Try doing brown and darker brown. Same thing with blue or green.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
I'm not a perfect artist. And I could make it smaller but then it'd pixilate. Not a good idea.
About the shading, I can't fix that. My pen tablet is broken so it's hard to do shading. I just use a pen and layer it manually.
The eye design was my brother's idea. All complaints about that should be sent to him!! Hehe. Plus, It's supposed to look like an Easter egg. Because Spring. I don't like using common colors too much, either. My apologies!!
Last edited by SweetDevil; Mar 13, 2014 at 02:23 AM. Reason: I can't English
Love me. Love me. Love me, until you hate me again.
Ah I see. I guess that some of what I said is more opinion based.
Also, one more thing that I noticed. Her left eye is fairly low on her face, try raising it up a little.
It's a very good drawing, don't get me wrong.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Yeah, I noticed that. It's not actually her eye, it's her eyebrow! Hehehe! I guess I forgot to edit it and now it looks like the gap there makes the eye look too low. Thank you for the CnC, dude.
Love me. Love me. Love me, until you hate me again.
what's that candycane in her hair

i feel like the background draws my attention better than the girl
id work on picking your colors
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

what the hell is she seeing in her eye?

a room with many colours attracts the eyes around her, maybe make her more attractive or make the background unattractive

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Originally Posted by Tyzi View Post
what's that candycane in her hair

i feel like the background draws my attention better than the girl
id work on picking your colors

Sorry you don't like it. There was no way to fix that :/
My brother suggested the colors! Again sorry!

That's just a design. Sorry! My brother suggested it too. Very sorry.
Love me. Love me. Love me, until you hate me again.
never said i didnt like it. im just letting you know the things you can do better ;)
unless you dont want to get better! O:
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I like the effort put into the boobs there.

The head seems quite huge compared to the rest of the body, though that might be the style you're going for.
I like some of those creases on their clothes and the shading is alright too.
It feels like there's a lot of empty space which annoys me, you might be better off keeping it small enough so that the bit we can focus on is the main part of the picture.

I like it anyway, keep doing these .