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[VID] Infinite Daps
Hello, everyone.

This is my first time ever to work on a Toribash video AND my first time ever using Vegas Pro 12 and After Effects CS6, so I'm already not expecting very good comments

All I ask is for constructive criticism

Thank you

Song is Infinite daps by Baauer ft. RL Grime

About the intro: I know how shitty it is, I'll look up for tutorials to get some more good looking stuff ;o
[7:28:47 PM] ۞next time use
[7:28:49 PM] ۞: .mov
[7:28:52 PM] ۞: so those black bars arent there

[7:29:27 PM] ۞: speed it up
[7:29:29 PM] ۞: and slow it down
[7:29:31 PM] ۞: speed ramp it mane
damn im gettin old
why did you need to use sv AND aae?

you have incorporated and productions in your name?

you should work more on your freecam
No, Aadame, I haven't seen that video. I'm sorry for using that song, I'm just a fan of trapstep and I thought I should use that.

Sly, The intro was a joke, (P Inc. = Pink) I only did it to not have 2 blank seconds on the video. As I said, it's shitty and not to be taken seriously. About AE and Vegas: I don't know, I was recommended those two, I thought I was supposed to use them both. I never actually made a toribash video, nor had interest in them until 2 days ago.
I'm still learning everything about video making, I literally started from the bottom.

Also, I'm taking note about working more on the freecam.
Since you have both, I think you should go ahead and just use After Effects. You can do a lot more with it. It's overwhelming at first, but it gets easier and you'll be able to make mostly anything you can think of.
I was considering that too, Sly.
But as you said, it's absolutely hard for me to learn about it, or even get the hang of it. I'll be practicing more on it, then.
I don't like the changing of shaders, I don't see any sync and I don't like the fact you used a song that's already been in another video (a trap song too, out of all the genres it's TRAP)

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Originally Posted by AkumaZZZ View Post
No, Aadame, I haven't seen that video. I'm sorry for using that song, I'm just a fan of trapstep and I thought I should use that.

I made the shaders change because I thought it would look boring to have the same shader over and over.
About the sync, I'm still getting the hang of speeding up and slowing down to sync with the music. And as mentioned before, I've never used none of those programs before, nor bothered to know more about them. So this was my first attempt ever. You can't just come and expect me to make a masterpiece in my first time. (Believe it or not, not everyone is born with the talent to do this kind of thing, we just go and try to do a little bit better each time)
Originally Posted by AkumaZZZ View Post
You can't just come and expect me to make a masterpiece in my first time. (Believe it or not, not everyone is born with the talent to do this kind of thing, we just go and try to do a little bit better each time)

I was just giving cnc like you asked, and I was just saying you should stick to one shader.