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[TEX] "Scar'd"
Hey, so, today I made this head texture for Zush. Take a look.

head pls

Ingame Pic

Program used: sketchbook pro 6
Last edited by BuZe; Mar 21, 2014 at 08:29 PM.
The scar looks like a dildo balloon and less like a scar. The edges look too smooth, they should be more jagged. If a scar was really behind/around an eye like that, the eye would probably be sewn shut, maybe an eyepatch. im wondering why you colored that eye grey. The mapping is nice, the face could be a little closer towards the center of the head imo
The eye was colored grey by request, we were skyping and we're sharing screens, and that was his request. Thanks for the CnC
Not much detail, almost no shading, they eyes and scar look like they are floating because of the shadow.
My pet rock died today.