Original Post
[Tex] Idk What to Name et

Wip 1

I'm making a set for it as well.
Will post in-games later.
Program - Gimp 2.8
I'm still gonna work some more on the head, feel free to give me suggestions and what not.
Last edited by xJuicy; Mar 21, 2014 at 03:40 AM.

I love it so much. I mean, egad. It's even my favorite art style and everything. I would actually keep it as is, and maybe another version with your additions. Also, you should name it 'Desecration' because it sounds cool. And a cool name is worthy of this head.
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici.
you actually have a nice concept. I would better figure out where your light is coming from so you can bring a bit more depth into your head instead of semi thought out shading . Also robots are metal, metal is manufactured, there should be no hesitation in your lines or bumps in your shading.
Originally Posted by sethrocks View Post
How the hell did you do this? I try to use gimp but mine look so cartoony. Love this head

One two words


Uploaded Wip 2, made some adjustments and such. And yea i know, I still need to do the top of the head.

Originally Posted by sethrocks View Post
How the hell did you do this? I try to use gimp but mine look so cartoony. Love this head

Yea, a graphing tablet is helpful ;3

Too blury, don;t you think so? Details are good tho.
Bud i'd rather to add more sharpness and make it clearly.