Original Post
[B]Heads made by Chris or just any good head.
I have 120k right now

Want to buy a head to base an image on.

So make them good.

I want only premades dont wanna deal with waiting 2 years for a head

I want a head preferably made by chris.

but if you have others good enough, I will probably buy it
These are some good heads that I have. Offer on any that catch your interest.

Le Head

Le Head

Le Head

Le Head

Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
No thanks edits, I am looking for more cartoon ish than robotic.

and the only cartoon one u have doesnt really impress me sorry.
hmm bout this?


Last edited by MrPsychotic; Mar 23, 2014 at 04:06 AM.
I'm not psycho... I just like psychotic things.