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my thread
i just got my internet back after 3 years so i thought i'd start up a replay thread
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!Tirt - flarbigon.rpl (285.8 KB, 48 views)
I am practicing my booms

I am now proud to say I got my first 5dm boom
I think it's a 5dm boom anyways

And I only used my right foot, just like tryndamere only uses his right arm


this isn't instagib >>
I only wanted it to look that way for style
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your booms are pretty boss man. i like your style aswell actually reminded me of my early stuff except better
very nice opener and split, and the rest of the hits were just super explosive. pose was freaking glorious man how did you make that stable
my only problems with the replay are during the opener you sorta lowered and then quickly held the right shoulder at around frame 475 and it looked a bit abrupt, but thats barely a nitpick. it happened again at 432 with the left shoulder, you sorta raised it quickly
very impressed by the replay, awesome job
oh yeah
replay was pretty cool, i like the knee dms a lot for some reason.
the manip thing could have been longer but its pretty satisfying

i like the quick pace of the knee dm's but your arms were awfully placed
the followup spin and cool movething to the splitkick was really cool
pose thing looked funny

uke felt abit too close to you from 380 til you splitted him
nice replay though o/
For the last rp.
really cool I love the way you broke his knee and the last kick, I just don't like the pose, too much hold I would prefer more fluidity and your right foot lay flat :/ but anyway very good ^^
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
thank you all

i didn't like the replay they gave for the opener challenge, it was really poorly made in my opinion

but this is what I came up with, more fast moving and quicker dm's
Attached Files
!Tirt - MOC 1.rpl (228.4 KB, 11 views)