Original Post
(PG) Professional Griefers - Recriutment
Fill in this application form


Name (Real/Nick): Karol (Carl)/ Kyzox
Age: 18
Nation: Poland
Belt: 2nd Dan Black (about 2200 games)
Favorite mods: Aikido, ABD, Twin Swords, Jousting and fun mods
What can i offer to your clan: Good skills, activity, nice atmosphere
Why I would like to join: I'm looking for good clan, where I can show my good skills
How often do I play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: 4-5 days a week for 1-3 hours
Something about me [additional infos]: I like.....
Languages [Everyone knows at least one]: Polish, English, German a little bit


- At least Black Belt
- At least 14 yrs old
- At least 0.5 year of experience
- Good skills
- Speak english (at least some basics)
Last edited by Kyzox; Apr 14, 2017 at 09:41 AM.
Name: matthew schoeman / Jellyfist
Age: 15
Nation: South Africa
Belt: Black (about 1760 games)
Favorite mods: ABD,judofrac
What can i offer to your clan: textures , skillz , joy
Why I would like to join: the clan has great potential
How often do I play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: 5 days a week for 4 hours
Something about me [additional infos]: I like playing video games , going to the beach , doing parkour and mma
Languages [Everyone knows at least one]: afrikaans, English
Leader of
Here's My App
Name (Real/Nick): Bob / 4ppl3m00s3
Age: 17
Nation: United States
Belt: Black
Favorite mods: Aikido, ABD, Mushu, TPL, Greykido, Taekkyon, Erthtk, Erthtkv2.
What can i offer to your clan: Skill, activity, tips.
Why I would like to join: I'm looking for a clan where people aren't rude all the time.
How often do I play toribash? [1-7 days in week]: 7 days a week for about three hours-a-day.
Something about me [additional infos]: I like Minecraft, and FPS games, such as CoD and Battlefield.
Language: English
Recruitment is open again! We're active and ready for some new good players!
Last edited by Kyzox; Oct 9, 2016 at 03:15 PM.
Name- Christian, ingame- 3nKB
Age: 15
Nation: United States
Belt: Black (about 1900 games)
Favorite mods: ABD, Judo, Akido, Greykido, msds, and acrojoust
What can i offer to your clan: Good skills, activity, nice atmosphere
Why I would like to join: I'm looking for a clan that is forum active, nice to everyone and has good players.
How often do I play toribash? I play toribash everyday, I play around 6-7 hours a day, I am active throughout most of the week.
Something about me? I like to swin, ride dirt bikes, play video games, and with my cousin and my brother on the weekends.
Languages- English, and a little Spanish
Okay we played together on a server, seems you're really nice guy. I'm adding you to join the clan.

HEY GUYS <REmember me? we did some testing.... u guys said i passed so yea u told me to fill this in im 16 years old i can speak english im black belt... almost 2nd dan and im originall so yea THX
Name:Alexander Awsome1man
Belt:Black About to be 2nd dan
Favourite mods: Mushu Akido Ninjitsu
What Can I Offer: Skills...Lots Of SKILL lol And a Good person (me)
Why Would i want to join?:I Need a Good Clan To Feel Lvd Also I Like This Clan
How Often Do YOU play Toribash?:I play not evry day but atleast 5 days out of 7 and for about 2-3 Hours
SomeThing About Me: Im a Really nice guy and like making friends (online and offline)
Laguages: Spanish English And a little German

Last edited by awsome1man; Oct 10, 2016 at 10:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Unfortunately after some talk with other members we can't accept you, sorry and good luck for the future.
