Original Post
(Q_old) Quake

(everything WILL be edited and fixed later)
Last edited by Rial; May 18, 2014 at 12:36 AM.
Edited the first post. Please make us a freeform application and we'll be pleased to consider your attempt.
K so I am Aviant, I am 19 years old and I live in the United States.

I am a pretty chill guy if you ask me, I like to play basketball and play toribash Daily.

I am still in school, because when I was younger I decided to drop out of highschool my first year and that in it's self was a very bad idea. I started to play toribash back in 09 with my main and sense then this game has had me hooked.

My favorite mods are Brushu, Lenshu, and Aikido.

The 3 main mods in my opinion, I practice all of them daily trying to become better, and hopefully someday the best.
Another waste of time awesome.

Thanks guys

Sorry for the irritation.
Last edited by Aviant; Apr 26, 2014 at 05:05 AM.
Aviant was rejected.

Edited the first Post again. Added logos and an example for Application. Story is currently being written.
Last edited by Rial; Apr 26, 2014 at 04:20 PM.
Psst, hey guys hey how ya doon
Looks like this clan needs a bit of visual stimuli

I'll be available Sunday, I'll also be on the skype chat to discuss ;o
your clan shall be ravaged by the penises of a thousand ifreds this coming tuesday
Scribe pls c:
[OSHI] [Judo Organization] [Aether] [Team AikidoBigDojo] [PSN]
[3:50:35 PM] Sam: I'm a lyrical, cynical, rythmical demon.
Spittin out lines like I spit out hot semen.....
Taking a break...