Original Post
Well, howdy.
Hey there!
I'm Demerus and I've been tempted to get Toribash for a while now. I'm a big fan of ragdoll-like fighters and I've just signed up a few minutes ago! I hope to learn everything soon, and become decent enough at the game that I can win some tourneys and cash for my Tori.

Hope to see you all around!
You will probably see me in the beginner lobbies, and I hope to see you there.
Yeah if you have a question about the forum (in game training will come later from me) just post a reply on this thread and I will know about it since I will subscribe to this thread.
Possible questions:
"What does PM mean" (you probably know this though)
"How do I PM people?"
"How do I subscribe to threads?"

I am not going to tell you about the game because once you become a master of the art of forum navigation the world of Toribash is your oyster and you can find out how to do almost anything else in game or forum from the tutorials and support threads.

I hope you like toribash. If you ever want to join a clan once you get good Anon is a good choice. Promotions are fast and the leaders (or half of them *glares at other leaders*) are quite forum active and can support our members. Charm for example (one of our original leaders in this stage of the clan) has just been assigned as sparring trainer. I hope to talk to you soon.
Good morning sweet princess
Welcome good sir :3
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Welcome, toribash is definitely the king of rag doll fighters. My best advice for learning is to watch others play, and the moves they make.
Hope you enjoy your toribash experience!
Remember to regularly post on the forums!(You'll make lots of friends :>)
New players welcome to toribash enjoy your time hope you be pro at this game, never give up and say im not pro keep going! Tip: if you want to search for anyone ingame do /sa (name or part of name) and when the user is online it will show you the room name.. ok i dont wanna be mouthy so bai!
Former Leader Of Back[Flip]s. Wish to join the clan? Click: Here!