God bless my rapidshare account <3

Good work Jepoy, dont really like the song ( rap really isnt my thing but thats personal prefferance )
you might wanna fix the repeating replay at 1:00 and adjust the speed to 0 in the end of the replays ( the parts where it looks like its lagging )
besides that, solid work.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic

Originally Posted by Rutzor View Post
God bless my rapidshare account <3

Good work Jepoy, dont really like the song ( rap really isnt my thing but thats personal prefferance )
you might wanna fix the repeating replay at 1:00 and adjust the speed to 0 in the end of the replays ( the parts where it looks like its lagging )
besides that, solid work.

I have chosen that song because I saw in youtube that they are doing dances like the Massive Monkees do

and at the 1:00.. My fault.. D: No time to render it again in 5hrs.. :<

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
fizzo got flow, lol, sounds familiar =P

lol.. Your favorite song?? and yeah B2K - Fizzo got flow :P
This video has been shamed by Stonewall, officially.


You did not make a video. Not a good one, at least. You took some dancing, that I call meh, and just recorded it, uke was flailing around off to the side, and then you put music to it, which wasn't a terrible song, just didn't match for shit. Dancers dance TO music, your put music to your dance. Does not work.