Original Post
Fix the people playing amount?
There is no way there is 1265 people playing, I'm going to guess that is just the amount of people that have it on there steam currently?

Is that accurate?
If that were the case, then that would mean that people are constantly uninstalling it and reinstalling it all the time as only yesterday it peaked 1800 and stayed there for several hours.

I think, it is the total players online, be it in singleplayer (while connected) and multiplayer.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
That numbers of players online shown on forum is how many people are playing MP at the moment. Numbers shown in the Steam community hub is how many people are running the Steam client.

And yes, there were 1.2k users in multiplayer at peak hours today.