Original Post




Well, I joined 3 days or so ago, and I suppose I haven't really introduced myself yet, so. HI, IM DEMONSOUL!

With that out of the way, I guess I'll show some of my shitty art, most of my stuff I've used renders for, which I guess makes me a bad person.

I'm still not too great with PS but please try to stay constructive.

First picture won't image link for some reason, you can just hit the link.

<-- For the lols. 1 px pencil ftw. :P

Alot of this stuff is old, a few things are somewhat new.

And also, if I could please ask a favour, could a GIMP user here please animate a head text I made into the globe thing? I uninstalled my GIMP for space and don't intend on re-installing it to do a couple anims. >_>

If you could I would greatly appreciate it.

So yeah, hello again, hope to post on the forums a lot more now!



Last edited by Stonewall; Aug 14, 2008 at 10:19 PM. Reason: Sorry I had to put it on top, too. Your pictures stole mah show if I just left it on bottom. -Stonewall
Isn't bad stuff. Looks a bit too much like standard filter-brushing-Photoshoppery for my tastes, but that doesn't stop it being good. One thing I don't like is the text in the majority of these - better to just leave them without text, providing you could as per the circumstances under which you made them.

Also, this thread is doomed anyway, so you'll get a chance to make another one in General Art.
Last edited by 3vi1; Aug 14, 2008 at 03:16 PM. Reason: Typo
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by 3vi1 View Post
Isn't bad stuff. Looks a bit too much like standard filter-brushing-Photoshoppery for my tastes, but that doesn't stop it being good. One thing I don't like is the text in the majority of these - better to just leave them without text, providing you could as per the circumstances under which you made them.

Also, this thread is doomed anyway, so you'll get a chance to make another one in General Art.

Oh how I despise being such a noob on a forum.

I don't suppose you have GIMP and could do a globe anim for me do you / could you? :P

Sorry to everyone, for being stupid. >_>
I could, providing you send me the base image (of course).
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post

That looks fake but I fucking love it. God I miss rep.

Yeah with that I was going for a like... Out there look, like a fairy tale kinda thing. It was actually initially a picture of a city and a picture of hills (Both actual photographs)

I cropped out a chunk of the city and lit it to make it look somewhat like a circle, then I erased pieces to make it look like it was in the hills and added more shading.

I made it for a contest on these other forums.