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[Tex]I am new (Head)
Hello guys I am new to this head texture making thing and i am actually an old player like 2.3 or something but i quit toribash because of some problems well further ado i found 2 heads on my laptops and i edited both took me 3 hours then i combined both of them and all took me about 4 hours so this is the final product
Originally Posted by SKITZOFRENIK View Post
It is not other people stuff
these are the combination of 2 heads i bought with 4 hours of editing mate!

Still you can't call it yours fully.. i don't know if there is a name for this kind of thing
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Well skitz it seems to me that i can remember you bragging to me a while back about how you and only you created that head so it seems you were lying
Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Art Board Rules

Making a thread:

- Every thread requires a list of software used. (I.e. Software used: Photoshop CS 6, Gimp 2, Adobe After Effects)


- Plagiarism is not tolerated and is a bannable offense.

Alright. To clarify some stuff...

1. Buying a head, then selling it is allowed (Of course, you have to credit the artist and the previous owner)
2. Buying a head, altering it in a software and then trying to sell it, implying it is your creation is not allowed. It's called plagiarism.
3. You asked them if you could sell them, not combine them and then sell them as "your" heads.

Please read the rules, bot the art rules and the market rules.

Marketing Rules
Art Rules

Now, please make a new thread with a head YOU made!
Ps. You can't sell this, you'll have to sell the two heads un-edited in their original form.