Original Post
Crap After First Match or Opened Menu
Hey, I'm a sorta nooby player, but it has been over three years since I last played. I have a pretty big issue... After the first match after I join ends, or I open the options menu, a few things happen.
The graphic in the center of the arena disappears, as does the Toribash symbol above the list of players in the server. In addition, the Uke head disappears and both players have Tori heads. The worst part is, however, betting is messed up -- I'm not sure if it's related, but I think it is. After I bet, and I win, I only get the original amount I bet back. For instance, if I start with 200 TC and bet 100, and I win the bet, I end up with 200. Even worse, if there's a draw, I don't get any money back at all.
I've tried searching for similar problems but I couldn't find them. This is a really big problem for me and I don't know if I could go on playing with the heads not working and the inability to bet.
I downloaded it on Steam first, had the problem, then tried downloading directly from the main Toribash site. I had the problem there, too.
Last edited by Jordab1; Jun 5, 2014 at 02:04 AM. Reason: Going to add some stuff that'll answer questions, to save time and all.
Both players get tori heads as that is the stock head for those without custom texture.
The graphic in the arena is a stock ground texture and dissapears unless a player at happy has it in their customs folder.
The betting system;
1) you bet money. One of two things can happen if you bet and don't earn money despite your player not losing;
1a) other people don't bet, and your player wins. You get your money back.
1b) other people bet but it is a draw, you should get your money back (or TC is lost).

These are not problems, they are natural occurrences within the game and are certainly not issues or problems.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Hmm. Well, okay. Sorry for the bother, then. Just seemed weird, especially how when it first opened it looked more like it was meant to with the symbol and all. Also, drawing and losing money sometimes? That's... A thing?
Well, I do not think it should happen. I suggest not betting money in official servers. Probably keep gettin your TC for the major 'big bet' servers that pop up from time to time. (Like now a server called sbets is up)
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Seems like most of these problems are issues with the game itself instead of my copy... Hah, maybe this should be moved to complaints. Anyway, issue (or lack thereof) resolved, I guess. Thank you for your time.