Original Post
Server Prob in 3.41
I CAnt host when i Finish whit the Name and Press enter Then 10 Seconds nothing and then the Message Not Connectet
Last edited by satran; Aug 16, 2008 at 09:02 PM. Reason: Better Understanding
Can you make it so that people here can understand what you're saying?

And if you aren't good in english, post in your native language with what language it is, someone here can translate it.
I understand, he might be using a translator. This problem is common. Are you running toribash.exe or tb.exe? tb.exe seems to have some server problems. Try making a server with your firewall turned off. Some programs you need to set exceptions for when they connect to the internet. Some major virus programs do that.

If those do not work then email: [email protected]

I think the problem is the max servers have been hit, but the problem is the server list isn't updating. A lot of the servers aren't what the server list says they are, don't have the exact same members, or aren't even close to what it says they are.
Yeah, i can't get my server list to update either.. Probably some bugs, bound to happen with a completely different system


I'm having the same problems as satran. I go to multiplayer, hit "c" to create the room, put the name in, and it seems to make the room. but it says 'spectator'. it won't let me do commands (like changing mod or enter bout list) after about 10 seconds or so it says "not connected." it can't be a firewall problem because i made an exception right before i tried to do it. Has anybody experienced this problem and found a fix?