Original Post
Every time I lost a hand or both of them the ghost lie
this should be fixed
mean i lost my both hands
the ghost show I will stay in ma feets
but it show something else...
Ghosts won't show what dismemberments will happen, so it is often wrong in a low DM threshold game.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I think hes saying the ghost for his dmed hand is inaccurate this is true and in my opinion should be fixed asap.
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
For the ones who don't understand I'll say again
When I lose a hand or two
after my GHOST show something else
Something like i'll stay on my head
but it is falling
Uhm... press b to show both of the tori's, if it shows yours, press b again.

Or was it a glitch when your opponent joins spectators?

were you fighting? did your opponent join spectators after first turn?
If he joins spectators in first turn, it will make your move glitch.