Original Post
Grunty's Head Shop
Hello, And welcome to my Head Shop. I'm very new to this game, But that doesn't mean I'm horrible at making Textures.

Cookie Head - 50 TCs

Watermelon Head - 50 TCs

Earth Head - 10 TCs

Macintosh Head - Free

I know, Not much...

I don't know how to give these to people after they pay me, But I figured it would be pretty fast and easy and someone could tell me...
Last edited by Grunty_old; Aug 18, 2008 at 04:54 AM.
Want to be tricked into wasting your time going to my link? Well, then, Click Here!
The Macintosh one? Sure...

Could you tell me how I would give it to you...? DX
Want to be tricked into wasting your time going to my link? Well, then, Click Here!