Original Post
I don't get TC for fights
I've got a problem. I don't get tc for any fights. When I win it shows:

JtanK wins
xxx fights to x belt (Qi raises)
+0 TC

What's wrong?

@I'll upload a pic in some seconds

Aww :/ Public servers are crowded
Last edited by JtanK; Aug 18, 2008 at 11:44 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
can't even get qi on privates anymore =/
<now, stop playing toribash, and find someone to (bleep)> [Lgnd]Ethereal
Originally Posted by Crest1990 View Post
can't even get qi on privates anymore =/

^If thats true, me and other brown belts are screwed, cuz that means I can't play on public servers now, cuz im in brown belt and the public servers don't let brown belts play, semi-pro is blue and under, and the rest are 2 low, and 2day i just saw black belt servers, where am I gunna get tc now? I can't raise belt if i don't play on public servers.
No one has said Qi is ungainable on private servers, so it is (to my knowledge) still gainable on private servers

Hi all,

There have been some concerns regarding Toricredits and servers in recent times.

As you know, you can now create your own servers FOR FREE, so you can play in your own servers if you want.

On earning Toricredits...
There are now:
~ 8 Beginner Servers
~ 8 Intermediate Servers
~ 8 Semi-Pro Servers
~ 8 Pro Servers (No Qi Limit)

Earnings will range from 5 - 10 TC per win as per server settings.

*we have anti-farming measures in place*

Qi is gained from ALL SERVERS