Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
What typically is your first move?
I just realized that almost without fail, I naturally default into trying to get my guy airborne to do damage, but never really stopped to learn the fundamentals for how the punching, and kicking physics would work. But in single player at least, what do you always tend to lead off with?

My standard opening move is to contract the knees, lower the arms, space for 60-70 frames, extend knees, and extend hips, space, and activate grippy hands. But recently I've been trying to get into the habit of opening moves that involve punching, rotating the chest left, swinging the arm forward, and contracting with the left hip to get a nice rotation.
Re: What typically is your first move?
I usually start out with about 60 frames limp, then holding all and extending my elbows, hips, glutes, knees, and ankles plus contracting pecs and grabby hands, then I am in a typically good position for a decap or an arm rip or kick
Re: What typically is your first move?
I usually start out with a kick, I think you get more power easier with a kick than with a punch but I am not sure. I pretty new so what I try to do is either get a hard kick in or I try to get on top of the guy in the air so I don't have to worry about DQing myself.
Re: What typically is your first move?
I usually start with some kind of kick, but sometimes I just hold all and make random moves.
Re: What typically is your first move?
Originally Posted by keersvvvlelvsvin
I usually start with some kind of kick, but sometimes I just hold all and make random moves.

I'm starting to try that now, kicking while dropping down to get more forward momentum, but it doesn't feel like it does anything truly different from any other normal single attack.
Re: What typically is your first move?
Gatling kick, dont use it against me >__<

Hold all
Contract right pec
left rotating chest
Extend glutes
Contract left hip
Contract left knee
Extend right hip
(If you contract abs you kick off leg at the knee)

Grip right hand

Space x 1

Extend left knee
Re: What typically is your first move?
I usually do an angled pec compression double punch with a twist on it and the twist direction hand is punch, opposite is grab. The punch hand follows the direction of the twist because often times it has enough speed to break limbs right off the bat.
Re: What typically is your first move?
are you guys talking about in multiplayer? cause mine is just a defensive stance. i just go grabby and contract both pecs. from then on i just try to counter everything
if u see dapaperboy in nearly anygame then its me. dapaperboy, dapapermage, dapaper[etc] its me!