Original Post
[B] HQ 512 SET [B]
Alright so I would like to buy some of your guys' sets. Post all of the sets you think i could be interested in. I really want a nice HQ set and I have 300k to spend. I dont care what color it is but It would be nice if you could post some demo sets. I dont really like cartoony sets either. I might buy a minimalistic one if i think its nice. So post your sets!
> SET n°1 :
PRICE : 100 k TC or 11.7 $

> SET n°2 :
PRICE : 150 k TC or 17.64 $

> SET n°3 :
PRICE : 100 k TC or 11.7 $
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
@jclark No thanks.
@kremline those sets are way too overpriced man. I can go like
50k for the second one but thats about it. Also, any recolors?
I kinda agree the first and the third one are overpriced but The second one is the best one of them all .. I can recolor it yeah.
I can do the second one for 90 k .
I might come back soon, stay tuned !