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[Tex]50% Drawn 50% CP


I don't feel like posting the source.
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CnC don't bash me for cp.
Last edited by Velair; Jul 5, 2014 at 05:10 PM.
damn im gettin old
nice colours.
drop it down a fair bit, the part that look like face are way up on the top of the head.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
What about making the dark colors darker? Looks too bright ingame.
Btw Velair. What's up with your signature?
"Consumatum Est"
its the @ # W # @ code.
but anyways.

I dont quite understand what you mean.
A majority of the head is basically black.
damn im gettin old
Originally Posted by Velair View Post
its the @ # W # @ code.
but anyways.

I dont quite understand what you mean.
A majority of the head is basically black.

its mostly grey, make the grey darker silly
what is this head supposed to be? i'm slightly confused as the watermark is blocking mostly everything not to mention how it's so bright. try making it a bit darker. opacity
Your watermark is bad for cnc. Idk what's even happening.

Either that or give me in-game from front, 1/3, 2/3, and back view