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Toribash Crashes When Multiplayer Screen Tab Is Clicked
I have been experiencing this problem ever since version 3.4. Whenever I click any of the tabs in the multiplayer screen when the game is saying "refreshing server list" Toribash freezes, loops the last sounds played and then crashes. I have to then close it from the task manager as it will not respond. The clicking of the tabs in 3.2 was fine and it organized the servers in the way I like. If I clicked "mod" while it was loading in 3.2 it showed the servers in order of mod, even while refreshing server list. Now it crashes as soon as any tab is clicked, and the only workaround I can find is to wait until all the servers have been loaded and are ready to click on. Because my internet connection is slow, this takes half a minute every time I go into that menu, especially annoying when I leave one server and have to go to main menu > options > log in > > type password > wait 1/2 minute for servers to load. Can anyone please provide any help whatsoever?
Sometimes I get the same problem. just wait till it is done refreshing, and you should be fine.

if its causing lots of problems though, use the above link that uloveme has been so nice to post.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

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If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

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Originally Posted by 4te View Post
I have been experiencing this problem ever since version 3.4. Whenever I click any of the tabs in the multiplayer screen when the game is saying "refreshing server list" Toribash freezes, loops the last sounds played and then crashes. I have to then close it from the task manager as it will not respond.

wasnt the refresh command deleted in 3.4+?
Shas'O ready to take command!
Go on, be nice =)
Originally Posted by Kais View Post
wasnt the refresh command deleted in 3.4+?

i think he means when they first come through when you click multiplayer.
He means i think that blam is saying when you first click the tori bash shortcut where you have choices single player multiplayer options etc.
What he said was basically: "Toribash crashes if I sort the servers by name/etc. before it has loaded them all."
