Original Post
[S] 512 Robot set
Aritist: UnderTaker
Prev: owner JookerBB
Start Bid:15k
Min raise: 1K
Payment:TC only

Hi, please show a screenshot without the flame as per the rules:

G)Texture previews must adhere to the following:
.....I)At least one preview with Toribash's default shader enabled must be provided.
.....II)Previews should not contain any obscuring items, specifically Flames, 3D Items & Hair Items.

collect snots from the nose
hi, I'm closing this thread due to the above report. Please PM me with details on how you acquired this and I'll re-open it when it is solved.
lead Sigma
I PM'ed Phail with my own details, as I bought the set directly from Undertaker, the artist. Hopefully that will help the investigation along.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
please leave this thread closed until I re-open it. If anyone else has anything to add please PM me.

EDIT: congratulations 26th on your purchase of an illegitimate texture set that you can't own. Next time please read the part where someone else is currently selling it before you go paying $$$ for it.
Last edited by phail; Jul 16, 2014 at 09:03 AM.
lead Sigma