Original Post
(Element) Elemental

We were formed by the elements of the Universe, nothing can defeat us because we are everything, we are everywhere and we are indestructible. We are ELEMENTAL. Join us to become the best!!

5k in bank[ ]
10k in bank[ ]
20k in bank[ ]
35k in bank[ ]
50k in bank[ ]


1. Never disrespect the leader
2. Never disrespect the High Council
3. Never disrespect clan mates
4. Donate to the clan bank as often as you can
5. Be active in game

1. When asking if someone wants to join make sure their win ratio is above 50%
2. Make sure Strander approves when recruiting (Steam: strander01)
3. Don`t remove clan members with out talking to strander, he will remove them himself

How many more games until next belt?: [Play a quick game and win to see]
World ranking:
Best mods:
What can you offer the clan:
Who recommended you:[if no one leave blank]
Why would you like to join the clan:
Are you Active:
(If you are not on toribash at least 7 days a month, your place in the clan will be replaced. It is recommended that all ranks of the clan that can remove players should check once a month.)

How long have you been in the clan?:
Have you donated to the clan?:
Do you know what kind of people to recruit?: [If so, what kind?]
What could you offer the clan as this position?:
Do you know what kind of people NOT to recruit? [If so, what kind?]

TRY AND COME ON TRAINING SERVER. There will be notifications on steam for when the training server is open. So I recommend everyone gets steam. The server will be /jo elemental

If you don`t have steam, I recommend you get it so you can join my group so you don`t miss events(Group name: Elemental)

Also if you apply to become part of this clan, i would prefer if you did it over steam
Last edited by strander01; Jan 6, 2016 at 03:21 AM. Reason: New Clan Logo (By Mystofilys :P)
Name: Taekwondo12
Age: 14
Belt: black
How many more games until next belt?: 153 World ranking:
Best mods: Judo, aikido, wushu, running
What can you offer the clan: i will recruit many people as possible
Who recommended you:
Why would you like to join the clan: to help
Are you Active: everyday
Name: Carlo
Age: 16
Belt: Blue
How many more games until next belt?: 70
World ranking: 3000
Best mods: Akido
What can you offer the clan: Badass Skillz
Who recommended you:
Why would you like to join the clan: cuz i wanna
Are you Active: everyother weekend and sometimes during the week
Name:Torinoob4ever(RL NAME:Christian)
Belt:2nd dan
How many more games until next belt?: 298
World ranking:2018
Best mods:akido(any other types)Mushu,Wushu,jousting,lenshu,taek wondo
What can you offer the clan: I just wanna join the clan,but ill say Skills
Who recommended you: Holyfish99
Why would you like to join the clan:Well, like i said,i just wanna join it,and that i don't have a clan,because i got kicked out of forbidden,DM
Active: To a scale i will say 7.5 because i wake up in 1:00 PM
If you're a noob, How's your afternoon?
Guys,CL2K15,Losers Bracket,Undead vs Elemental.
We need to battle,do you guys have an hour to battle?
Undead -3 GMT.
Last edited by Troxmerxt0; Jun 28, 2015 at 03:44 PM.
Nøthing persɵnal
Okay, so i was just browsing the csgo (counterstrike global offensive... for those who dont know) workshop and found a sticker.
The artwork look very familiar.
I was just wondering if the graphics design dude from this clan made it.
The sticker is called 'knife club' and is in writing that looks very similar to the titles in this clan.
So my questions is...
Did you, (graphics designer), make this sticker?

There should be an attachment to the picture but yeah
Attached Images
knife club sticker.jpg (98.0 KB, 6 views)