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[Art]Thread for drawings I do - we updatin' biiiiig (June 15)
Thought I'd post my drawings here. Feel free to CnC me, I'm open for improvement. The more you go in detail, the more I'll enjoy your comment!


Sketching myself

Face muscles

Planet smoke thing doodle


Modern Day Communication WIP

Quick doodle

Symbolic self portraits (huge images, care)




Ear study

Nose study

Disturbing thing (viewer discretion ect ect)

Mermaid (NSFW with censor)

Single tear

Late night drawing I did for shits and giggles

Self portraitance


Last edited by potateau; Jun 15, 2015 at 07:26 PM.
scrappy, but, quite nice,
how long does each doodle/drawing tend to take?
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Wow, those are really good. Way better than my stick men with shirts.
Stay Fluffy My Friends | I do loans and shit
Founder of [ROT] | Destroyer of Anus
Originally Posted by Skylarrr View Post
scrappy, but, quite nice,
how long does each doodle/drawing tend to take?

Yeah, I'm recovering from just sketching things really quick so that tends to happen. I'm working to get rid of it, but apparently not quite there haha. Thanks for the advice!

My quick doodles like the one for shits and giggles take like 20 minutes, the eye one took me longer but I let time get away from me completely so it could range between like an hour and 3 hours and anything inbetween it. I might work on something for a longer time once I have inspiration for a bigger piece.

Originally Posted by Bercat View Post
Wow, those are really good. Way better than my stick men with shirts.

Not good enough for me though, I still hope to improve a lot from here on. You should be able to reach this level a lot quicker than you might expect if you just draw a lot and look at some guides on youtube. There's some pretty good ones out there from what I've seen.

Also random thing I felt like posting:
I usually put some Peter Draws on in the background whenever I'm drawing, him talking and looking at his amazing drawings helps me to keep going a lot. If you don't know him I can definitely recommend looking him up on youtube, he's a very skilled artist!
Last edited by potateau; Aug 11, 2014 at 05:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Bump! New mermaid drawing. This one took me about 6 hours. Not happy with the result, it's very under par compared to what I had in mind. Oh well, gives me something to work towards!
Last edited by potateau; Aug 11, 2014 at 06:07 PM.
seems nice the pencil shading seems well cared and the images themselvs got themes goodjob
Welcome me back maybe?
WELL NOW, you're pretty much head and shoulders above me, so there's really not much i can offer; that tear/eye thing is particularly great. But, i'm going to try being like REALLY NITPICKY and find some things:

Noses: Nothing to mention, nice study.

Disturbing thing: The big thumb looks kinda like a wrinkly sausage, you've probably put a bit too many skin folds on places that aren't close to the joints. I do realize that this is a very surreal piece, though.

Mermaid: boooooooooooooooooooobs Hair is excellent, torso and tail are great with no particular flaws, but the arms look off, somehow. They kind of don't have a lot of depth. I get the impression that her left arm is supposed to be further away from the viewer, yet it appears longer and thicker than her right arm. Slightly awkward pose on the right arm as well; normally ones arms would hang a bit in front of ones body while at rest, while the mermaids arm seems to be on the same plane as the body, which, if you try it out yourself, is actually a fairly uncomfortable position. Definitely not one you'd want to intentionally hold if you could avoid it, anyways.

Single tear: Fucking excellent, not much else to say. The eyeball itself miiiiiiight come off as being not quite spherical due to the shading, but i'm not really sure about that postulate myself. Possibly because the entire eye in reality is a shiny thing, whereas this is more of a matte shading.

Late night drawing: THOSE HANDS MAN. Fun doodle, obviously done faster than some other things, but those hands and that bent upper arm catch my eye. In all fairness though, it's hard to make proper hands quickly, and you have demonstrated that you do know to do it.

Self-portrait: Hah, very nice! Super expressive drawing, the only thing that stands out in an awkward way is how you've chosen to draw your nose. It looks more like a... 3. Besides that, nothing bad to mention (for me, anyways).

Kraken: Very interesting way you've drawn the water, gives it a kind of mural feel. It clashes a bit with how you've drawn the tentacles though; they're drawn in a mostly realistic manner, whereas the water is highly stylized and the ship itself is more or less a silhouette (which does fit in). I'm sure you already know this, but in general, it's advisable to stick to one style (or at least not use too different ones) within the same drawing.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Woah, that's a great comment right there. Thanks man! Most of these are experiments of sorts, so I'm not surprised these kind of style choice thingies have sometimes backfired me right up the buttucks (kudos if you know what I'm referring to).

The mermaid is full of mistakes, the arms being one of them. I didn't start with the drawing skeletons because I was focusing on other stuff and it backfired really hard. The arms aren't the right thickness, the head isn't in the right spot and the tail doesn't really show the depth I'd hoped for. I'm not surprised you found some of those flaws. It was a fun learning experience though, I'll definitely try redrawing it sometime when I get the hang of these patterns on surfaces some more.

The 3 shape nose is on purpose, since I always found my nose bobs like that. It's kind of one of these things I couldn't see myself without.

I'm glad you're so positive about my stuff. A very inspiring comment! Thanks again, really means a lot to me!

Also update! Since I did the nose, I thought I might as well do the other facial features as well. I might do a proper self portrait once I'm done, I think it'd be good to see my progression from these little studies. So here's an ear:

Ear study