Your balance was perfect but, i kinda just saw random stuff but, it looked good.

If you just practice and practice you could be really good ;)
TH3 Unique 0N3
Tricks themselves didn't really look like tricks, more like spins and flares of a sort.
You kept stopping between tricks, which isn't good because it takes away from the flow of your movements. You want to setup for your next trick, and know what you want to do before you land. If you do that, it'll look a lot better, no matter how badly you execute the trick, because you won't have a sudden stop which you never see irl.
You did this sometimes, like at frame 600. Where you rotated yourself to continue your momentum from your last trick. Things like that change a replay.

Another thing, you were really slow, which isn't ideal when tricking as you need lots of air time or lots of momentum to properly execute tricks. You get both of these by moving faster.
Work on getting more speed, it'll help with tricks.