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A bug/glitch in the auto-tourney.
I do play a lot in game in the tourneys and i came across a glitch/bug in the auto tourney. I've noticed this glitch a while back and thought it was fixed, because it was an obvious one. But i encountered it once again and came to report it.

The glitch/bug is: when and once the tourney starts and continues smoothly to the final match the person who leaves while fighting (one of the finalists ofc) get's the tourney prize, meaning a player would just have to win matches 'till the finales and quit to get the prize, which is pretty obvious and cheap. Hope it isn't too much of a troublesome thing to fix. (I can only say about this in the abd one though i think the auto-tourneys are all the same and this applies to them all)

And i don't think too many people know of this glitch because who would ever quit on the finale match to get their awaited prize?
Just tried it and it did not work in abd and lenshu tourneys. In both cases, other finalist got the prize.
"It bugs the crap out of me when somebody talks more than I do." ~Dante, Devil May Cry 3~
I can promise this happened more than once. It happened to me too, when i was pinging. It might be that you might have to leave as soon as the match starts, or it might happen rarely. In any case i will try to get proof.
Ok, so support, just happened twice in valetudo. I have a screenshot, but give me a while to upload.
"It bugs the crap out of me when somebody talks more than I do." ~Dante, Devil May Cry 3~
Yeah, thank you. This problem should be fixed sooner rather later, because the longer this problem drags the more people will learn and exploit it, which would ruin the experience for many.
I think I was the first one who reported this kind of sh*t. I found a way on doing it, gave an example on how to do it, yeah

This must be fixed!!!

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