Original Post
[TEX] Cyberwoman
Hello people i am calamity and im making a cyborg head that i will be wearing it will be coming complete with a neck joint made in photoshop with a wacom tablet CnC please and thank you

head wip 1

wip 2


wip 3

Last edited by Calamity; Sep 8, 2014 at 02:52 AM.
I still take texture requests for usd
Well its an unfinished version so not to big a deal on the watermark
Thanks ill be continuing to work on this later today
I still take texture requests for usd
The color of the watermark actualy fits pretty good with the head.

And looks pretty good as first wip, doesn't really look like metal yet but that will change during development I guess.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

omfg i remember when you started textures as killppl, and this is amazing.

The flat looks better than the sphere, the mouth is too low, and the nose shading looks a little off.

what are the lines
She is a cyborg the lines are gaps in her metal plating
update 2 hair added well post ingames for the next wip update

wip 2

I still take texture requests for usd
Looking good, but her face doesn't yet feel metal-ey enough. I think it's the organic shape of facial features combined with fairly soft shadows and highlights.
really happy with your progress over the past month or two.
your design sense still needs a bit of work, but the drawing work is great.
dont get too stuck on using the same form and structure for your new works, keep mixing it up.

it maps a bit low, the chin is barely visable on the sphere, try not drawing the face so big for the next one and raising the eye level just a little.
that was my biggest concern in your 2nd MOR entry aswell, your faces are really big.
some more depth and harsher shadows on the bottom areas of the jaw wouldnt go amiss, get them nice and angled, with the dark background, it looks like hes got a chubby face, angled shadows will slim it down a fair bit..
not a fan of the mirrored hair, mirrored faces are fine, but mirrored hair always feels unnatural.

i feel you about not getting the whole metal vibe right away, i still dont get it... its a cyborg though, so you could just call it a synthetic material, rather than metal and save the metal practise for the next one.
or you could work on making it more metalic, im not fussed about it tbh.

also, stay away from female concepts, they never work, well, hardly ever, i didnt realise it was a woman, thought it was just a dude with dainty lips.
a womans bone structure and facial shape is a fair bit different from men, from a drawing perspective atleast.

started work on a similar concept a while ago, didnt get very far with it though, this makes me want to go back to it. good job.
Last edited by BenDover; Sep 8, 2014 at 02:42 AM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
update 3

wip 3

raising the eye level just a little.
that was my biggest concern in your 2nd MOR entry aswell, your faces are really big.

all that is my personal prefrence i wont change it
i feel they are looking at the correct high where i put them
the big face part i guess its my natural cartoony big faced part of my drawing style i do it alot in all my other drawing types(past toribash heads)
thanks for the Cnc thou will take it for the next head i make
I still take texture requests for usd