colors were awesome except for a few parts the subtle displacement mapping was nice

overall pretty solid

your song choice is amazing please tell me where you find such amazing songs
wouldnt even wipe my ass with that cc

u used the same transitions u called shit in my video

really boring

i think the tori was center frame for maybe 1/5 of this whole thing
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Tyzi, you're such a bitch. I dont think the "I wouldnt even wipe my ass with that cc" was necessary. Give the man some credit, he put time and effort into this. Say something nice for a change.
Last edited by Nate; Sep 13, 2014 at 12:25 AM.
Thanks guiez
Complexity, I use a bunch of youtube channels to find music, I just listen to a song when they release it and if it's good I add it to a private playlist.

Tyzi, I panned in and out of all the replays, nothing like what you did.
I understand that you don't understand much and that you're just angry because this is better then anything you could ever hope to create.
Just because my opinion means I don't like your vids, that'sjust a personal preference. Doesn't mean you have to trash-talk, I have complimented your work, I've simply never found it amazing ok.
Last edited by Dscigs; Sep 13, 2014 at 02:11 AM.
>I understand that you don't understand much and that you're just angry because this is better then anything you could ever hope to create.
Just because my opinion means I don't like your vids, that's just a personal preference.

i dont think you know what preference means??
youre allowed to say you dont like something, but you shouldnt say "this is better than anything you could ever hope to create"

kinda makes you look really pretentious, it's almost like you're trying to make yourself feel better than her because you know you aren't.
although thats just 'my opinion'


song wasnt bad but it was pretty generic
the intro had low resolution
the cc made the background overpower tori and uke
i didnt really like the font, looks too much like comic sans
the keyframing on everything but the tricking replays was bad, i couldnt see exactly what was happening
Last edited by Augans; Sep 13, 2014 at 04:23 AM.
yea well i dont like it and thats my opinion
i dont like anything u do and i just told u why

cc is too bright
the transition is the same, stop. it's the same.
the twixtor or whatever literally pauses when it's in slowmo every second
the keyframing was flat out bad
you don't know what you want us to be focusing on, because when you are filming something, you know you want it all the way to the side, right?!?!?
the fucking madmans look straight at the floor every time what were you even thinking
why you think this is better than what i make is whatever but u should probably look into what you want your camera to be looking at period, let alone keyframing. didn't think that was a hard concept.
i'm not biased. i just don't like you on top of not liking any of your videos.

no, i'm not being nice. yes, it's cnc. no, arthur, deleting this post like you always do doesn't make any sense.
Last edited by TyZi; Sep 13, 2014 at 06:08 AM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

really boring and slow
cc was kinda ew and made no sense with the song
that weird wavy stuff was dumb imo
transitions were alright but there were no new camera angles
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
i hope chilledon feels like a marine kung-fu fighter, everything is like wavy, and maybe you had filmed this in very clear water that snipped off the water bubbles

10 for effort if you actually tried to snip off the bubbles

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)