Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(Holy) HolySacrament Recruitment
(Holy) HolySacrament Recruitment
Sacrament APP
Min belt: Blue
Skype (optional)
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:
In-Game Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:
Why Do You Want To Join (Sacrament)?:
Tell us something about yourself:

Send to either Ysome or ToasterDan

Please check your spelling and grammar when posting. Have your app be in English. If it does not meet these requirements, we can and will deny.
Last edited by ysome; Oct 12, 2014 at 08:27 PM.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Made some edits to the main post.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Name: Butterspread or Speady
Belt: Blue, close to Brown
Forum activity: 3, But I will improve if necessary
In game activity: 7
Why I want to join: I would love to learn from others and become stronger over time. I would stay strong and give respect to everyone. If you give me a request, I will do it and I believe that I will improve being around a clan and become a valuable member over time.
About Me: I'm a pretty calm person that believes in order to being key in a clan structure. I stick to rules but I get easily embarrassed when I lose or something goes wrong.
Spready16 has been accepted.
"In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon." -Jon Osterman
Name: Nagras
Belt: Blue close to brown
Skype (optional)
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10: 6 I read a lot but don't post much
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10: 8
Why You Want To Join In (Sacrament)?: I think having a good clan would help me improve. Also I just want to be part of something
Tell something about yourself:
Name: Cjmack20
Forum active : 1 (I don't look at the forum that much :/)
in-game active : 4 ( I only play in saturdays sometimes if there is other holidays)
Why I want to join : I want to join because I want some tips and trix from every people in this clan
Tell something about me : My real name is Jiten I live in Nepal . I am 11 years-old I love playing online games but I am f2p . I never spar or dule I really need to learn more . If u accept thax .
(Holy) HolySacrament Recruitment

Post 5 of Your Best Replays: (Optional)
Send to either Ysome or ToasterDan
Hi i wanna join to this clan my belt is blue but iam playing a lot with this game(2-3 hours in a day) my name is mathebeni, i have skype.
Forum activity 1-10:6
In game activity 1-10:9
I want to join because i want to be a member of a clan i want to play clan wars... Why this? I wont lie there are not much clans that invite small belt guys. I really want to join and iam active i will grew fast.
My gmt is +4(i live in Hungary) my real name is Máthé Benedek, in game mathebeni. Iam 15 years old i can speak English but iam not the best in it
I hope u will invite me in this clan
Application For Sacrament Clan
Name:hotline121 (In-Game) Ammar Zikri (Real life)
Skype (optional)
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 1-10:8/10
In-Game Activity,Qualify Yourself 1-10:7/10
Why You Want To Join In (Sacrament)?:I want to learn from other members so that I can get stronger and stronger
Tell something about yourself: I live in Malaysia , (you probably haven't heard of it before ) , I have a great spirit , and I will not lose no matter what !
Last edited by hotline121; Oct 7, 2015 at 01:10 PM.
Name: soloxian
Belt: blue
Skype lucifer walters (plz im no demon i swear)
Forum Activity, Qualify Yourself 4 (but starting to use it a bit more)
In-Game Activity, Qualify Yourself 8
Why Do You Want To Join cause i want to purge the evil and also i want to help this clan succeed as best as i can and so that i'm not lonely anymore
Tell us something about yourself: my name is lewis walters i am from wales and i never go outside
Last edited by soloxian; Oct 23, 2015 at 09:00 AM.