Original Post
[TEX]Weird Animal Head
This is a WIP, I need to know what I should add. :l


Photoshop CC

Non Existant.
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
it just looked like you pasted some shapes onto a texture as a background, add some hair and better details
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Originally Posted by ilikepie56 View Post
it just looked like you pasted some shapes onto a texture as a background, add some hair and better details

I drew the face and used a grunge brush to get the background... I'm trying hair.
Semi-Pro Counter Strike Player.
Straight eyebrows and lower lip don't compliment the curvy eyes and mouth. I'd either get rid of them or change their shape to match the curviness of other features.

Also, the perfectly oval mouth looks out of place next to asymmetrical eyes.

Try to give it something that sets it apart. Maybe ridiculously huge eyebrows and beard, or raise the whole face up to make the head look fat, or make all facial features small to make it look funny. Something to make it look less generic.