Original Post
[S]implistic set
Hello there everyone, today I'll be putting a simplistic set up for sale and if you're intersted in buying this set then just post a reply on here complying with the standards that shall be set by me on how much I would like for this set and if you're not interested than have a good day or night.

Artist: myself
Size: 512x512
Previous owner: no one
Recolour: yes, additional 5K
Payment: TC only
Resize: automatic
Auto buy: 50K
Starting price: 10K
Minimum raise: 1K

here's the set

If you would like me to post more pictures of the set of it at different angles or with different primary and secondary colours, just say so and I'll be happy to fulfill your request.
Last edited by lavabeast; Sep 27, 2014 at 01:55 PM.
A mile long journey starts with only a single step