Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(Hated) Recruitment

Well, nobody really listened to the free form app part, so use this, good luck people, min belt is Black Belt (1000 QI)

Country of Origin:
Previous Clans (List most of the official ones) :
Reasons for leaving/being kicked.
Contact info:
Why The Hated:
Who do you know out of The Hated?:
What can you offer/Special skills:
How long have you been playing Tb (Alts count) :
About you:
Forum active:
In-game active:
Warnings/Bans and reasons why:
Player Card:

Last edited by Rotten; Oct 26, 2014 at 02:02 PM.
I should really find a clan.
Clan Signup
Name: FastGuy123

Belt: yellow

Previous clans:None

Reason to join: I'm new and I want to help and show people i mean business.

Specialzations: Ninjitsu,Judo,Akido
Originally Posted by FastGuy123 View Post
Name: FastGuy123

Belt: yellow

Previous clans:None

Reason to join: I'm new and I want to help and show people i mean business.

Specialzations: Ninjitsu,Judo,Akido

No, app is too bad. Not enough information.
Originally Posted by FastGuy123 View Post
Name: FastGuy123

Belt: yellow

Previous clans:None

Reason to join: I'm new and I want to help and show people i mean business.

Specialzations: Ninjitsu,Judo,Akido

Your belt is too low for us to make any use of it, that and you said it yourself that you're new. I don't suggest you joint any clan until you learn how to play a bit more.
I should really find a clan.
Originally Posted by FastGuy123 View Post
im an orange belt now

Sorry but that doesn't meet the minimum requirement. Minimum requirement is a black belt. This clan requires experience and you joined only this month. Please take time and work on your playing, I don't want to be harsh, but you need more experience.
Originally Posted by FastGuy123 View Post
ok i'll reapply when im a black belt and when i have more experience thank you for your time

No problem man, good luck.
Hi, I'm Revrnd1... Obviously, but I'd like to apply, again for The Hated
Blue belt. But very underestimated. I like playing Aikido, Judo, Judofrac, twinswords, and anything that isn't.. TOO hard so to say.
Been playing since 2009, have a main account "Paiutepower" That I lost the password too... (Brown Belt)
So I'm back on this account. Been interested in this clan for a week and a half or so. Since it was Why So Serious?
Add me on skype if you have any questions I suppose? GradyBee
I'm looking for not only a clan that's active, but a clan that has a nice "base" of people and know how to actually run a clan.
"I let my opponents beat themselves"
Well you're really intrested in the clan if you've been near it for so long.
Neutral, But leaning more near a yes.
I should really find a clan.