Original Post
(GMR) Game Member

Welcome to GMR, GMR stands for game-member.
We are trying to bring in everyone including friends and family into the game and have fun.
Some of us also spreads out advertising to make this game more fun and popular.


Leader Stats

If you wanna make an application then here's the template:
Template code:
Ingame Name: 
Real Name:
Ingame Activity:
Forum Activity:
Facts about me:
Why I wanna join the clan:

Video of the month:
Last edited by Hypersaint; Oct 26, 2014 at 07:34 PM.
This honestly sounds like a great idea for a clan. I hope you guys go far and eventually encourage some further advertising for the game.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by Triton View Post
This honestly sounds like a great idea for a clan. I hope you guys go far and eventually encourage some further advertising for the game.

Thanks alot bro.