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[SUPPORT] Wild rigged decap.
So it was on a betting server with around 15 people on, i was next in line and i was facing wild then i get a whisper saying: 'headbut 50/50?' and silly me said yes we we managed to rig decap.. it was 40k he said id get the 20k the next day however it's been a month and now hes not given it to me. What i'd like u guys to do is ban both of us for rigging the decapprize unfortunatly i have no screenshots but i have witnesses that were on the server. If it's possible could u somehow go through my whispers with wild and look for the evidence.
Last edited by Rai; Oct 23, 2014 at 06:05 PM.
Eh u know that its not allowed to rig and now u ask to get 50% of it lol
I won Clan League 2016 #DidntEvenTry
Back at it again
Originally Posted by PusyRaider View Post
So it was on a betting server with around 15 people on, i was next in line and i was facing wild then i get a whisper saying: 'headbut 50/50?' and silly me said yes we we managed to rig decap.. it was 40k he said id get the 20k the next day however it's been a month and now hes not given it to me. What i'd like u guys to do is ban both of us for rigging the decapprize unfortunatly i have no screenshots but i have witnesses that were on the server. If it's possible could u somehow go through my whispers with wild and look for the evidence.

I highly doubt this is true, but IF it is true, you should have taken screen shots for evidence, otherwise this thread is completely useless.
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
lmao, no evidence.
The most that could be done is banning you since you admitted to it. There's no solid evidence that wild whispered you.
nothing can be done without evidence. next time, dont be stupid enough to help someone break the rules