Original Post
Hay guys, I have created a new style of MAS. its called capoeira. Capoeira is a real fighting style, and I have found a way to bring that into toribash. now I haven't perfected my style yet, so I will be adding more replays, feel free to post you guys attremps at this, may wanna watch this video:
Attached Files
capoeira.rpl (217.7 KB, 40 views)
no you havent

binklawz already made a capoeira replay a while ago and so did i

making a replay that doesnt have balance and switches between hand and foot stands is a sorry excuse for capoeira, i should i know i do it irl

highly unrealistic and twitchy

when you make something that actually looks like capoeira, post it
Sorry dats not capoeira.

I practice capoeira in real and that's not even close
You REALLY need to work on keeping your ass balanced. The reason that even attempts to resemble capoeira is because you're falling over and saving it.

You do realise capoeira is a type of dance right? Or the martial art was hidden in dance so slaves could practice it. You looked like a gorilla crossed with a robot that was missing a gyroscope. You should work on the flow between moves and actually being able to replicate individual moves, then combining them.

i should i know i do it irl

Haze learn english you scrub 8^)
Last edited by Karza; Nov 9, 2014 at 06:26 PM.
Come on dudes, go easy on him, all the posts so far were just putting him down and bragging about how good you are (excluding karza), if you guys are so good then at least give him some professional cnc instead of acting like stuck up kids.
Parkour like you've never seen before:
sorry guys, for one: I dident know someone did this before I did, two: I working on my realism, three: thank you xlr8life oh and btw chaze, Don't tell me what to do on my thread. im posting my attempts at this style of sparing regardless if its perfect or not. thanks.
I wasn't attempting to put him down. I'm just saying what he looked like i.e. a gorilla bot with no gyroscope. But yeah, work on what I suggested and it should look smoother. You could also try looking up capoeira sequences and try to replicate them. Have fun
Last edited by Karza; Nov 10, 2014 at 05:54 PM. Reason: cannot into englhsi