Original Post
[SOLVED] Win % Incorrect
I have not played Toribash since about March of 2008, but recently I have decided to get back into it. However, I have noticed that my Qi (games played) value is 44 while my win % is at 0. I know I won most of those games. However, my guess is that the win % was added after I played those 44 games.

Will those 44 games work against me with regards to the win %? If so, is there any way someone could reset my games played to 0? I don't mind if you also take all my toricredits. I just don't want those games to go against my win percentage.

If the above is not possible because of certain rules/policy, then that's just something I have to live with. Thank you either way.
Best way to find out would be to play bunch of games and see for yourself, just play and wait +- 24h for the card to update. The whole system is weird so many things can happen, ratio actually updating, games counting as losses, games not even counting into ratio at all.

Aside from that I doubt you'd be granted qi reset or whatever, especially since at black belt it will be influencing like 4% only anyway, and 0,4% at 10th dan.
Last edited by JtanK; Dec 16, 2014 at 07:34 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Yeah, I guess 4% one way or the other isn't worth worrying about. But I'll have to play a few games, once I've cleaned the dust off my Tori and practiced against Uke a bunch of times, and see what happens.

Thank you for the reply JtanK.