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Namecalling & why people do it
What motivates poeple to namecalling, especially when noone has done anything wrong? Ive been called "noob", "scrub", etc. Even just brazenly nasty language to seem "badass", or "cool". No one deserves to be treated in such a way, but why does it happen and why don't they regret, or even like saying such things?
I am light. I am darkness. I am a rushing waterfall. I am a blazing inferno. I am and I am not. The Power of Nothingness compels me...DENJIN HADOUKEN!
Don't think that this is really going to see any significant contribution and it's really not that deep of a topic - people call people names for a plethora of reasons, whether it be for their own amusement or due to the projection of personal issues etc. I doubt you're going to narrow it down to anything specific at all.

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collect snots from the nose
I believe people call others names because they don't like them.

That's a simple explanation for you.
You're like a grandpa that just played online games for the first time, people on the internet are rude and unfriendly, that is just how it is. Especially in competitive online games where people are trying hard to win. Putting out words like noob, scrub and ez nap faggot is just so easy, I do it all the time to relieve myself from the anger I build up during the day, feels so good to verbally abuse some scrub so he can get out of my game. And remember, its never your fault that you loose a game, there are always someone to blame, so get on the internet gramps and curse your heart out. Ofc you should never take anything seriously of what people are saying to you, if you are called scrub or noob just smile and wave back, that will piss them off for sure.
Last edited by Ezeth; Dec 15, 2014 at 08:13 AM.
It's the internet.. Don't take anything seriously..

Sometimes they do it because they want to seem funny in front of their pals,
other time it's because of you beat them and they get mad, but usually, in my
case, it's because "noob" players sometimes aren't that fun to play with.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
if you're called a scrub, quit life

it's that simple

grow tougher internet skin, and 1/2 of the people on toribash dont mean what they really mean so let it pass
Ezeth, not all people :P i am not that bad
Antman777, i just advice you to not care about that, whatever they say, keep playing as you wish and do whatever you want.
These people are sick, they should take medicines for insulting or calling people other names :P
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people feel safe behind a computer screen, so they think they can do whatever they want without any negative outcomes affecting them.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Skylar, but there are few sites or games can control that, and there are negative outcomes in a game called Roblox, when i say bad word or something, i disconnect and it warns me for first time, second time it bans for some days or something like that.
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