Original Post
Blender job
Looking for people that know to do this:

Make simple 3D object in blender that looks like this:

Do an UV unwrap of that object, apply texture I provide them to it, fix the mapping (if there is anything to fix), then export the .obj file together with the texture in JPG format.

That's it.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Dec 15, 2014 at 03:41 PM.
You know, while playing around in Blender and watching some tuts I've found out how to do it. XD

Anyway, how good are you in Maya? lol, strike that, I saw your models. You are good enough.

Question number two: How much time would you spend to make two tokens, one with cross symbol on top (orthodox church cross), other with skull with fangs or bat. Very simple models without too much poly, small in KB size.
probably like 1 hour on both, doing uv and topology as optimal as possible is a little time consuming. Are you doing the textures or shall I do em?
I know how to UV un-wrap texture, export as png and edit in PS.
But, then, when I return to Blender and need to add material to my 3D object I mess up something. Material is not connected to my 3d object and when I get to node view to connect my texture image with the diffuse of material i can't, since there is no material present in connection with my 3D object.


I can't preview how the texture look on my 3d object since I don't know how to put it on it. XD
Also, send me your skype on my PM.

Zatvaram ovo jer vidim da si našo nekog. Tako da možete nastaviti pm-mom, ako budeš trebao još pomoći slobodno otvori ponovno~Mat
Last edited by Mathias; Dec 15, 2014 at 06:49 PM.