Original Post
Lost my orginal Toribash account?
A while ago before there where belts and such I had the account name of Rayman. I have registered it and all, but I don't know how to recover it? can an Admin or Mod help me on this issue? what infomation would I need to get the account back? I can most likely prove it was mine by my IP address. Help would be great! You can PM me or respond here on the issue.

P.S: I forgot to add that I forgot my password.
Never mind, seems like I recovered it somehow. >_>

P.S: I think double accounting is agenst the rules. But I lost my orginal account and I thought I lost it in a orginal email i didn't have anymore. You can get rid of my other account if you wish. I am very sorry. - Rayman

Edit: Thank you from below, I shouldv'e let an admin know over PM that I found my orginal account. I hope I don't get in trouble now. If you look on your records from the time I made this to the time I made Rayman2 I really lost my password and thought I couldn't recover it.
Last edited by Rayman_old; Sep 6, 2008 at 12:48 AM.
Originally Posted by doobidoo3 View Post
ooh idea!
using qi like toricredits?
so u can transfer them and buy thing with em?


that would defeat the point in having qi (allthough the fact theres a booster and you can buy it kinda defeated it anyway ¬_¬)

and also if you had 20kqi, bought demon, transfered it to someone, they bought demon, they transfered it to someone, they bought demon and it would go on and on....
elf and pure would be fucked if that happened.
Someone could just pass on unneeded qi to other people who want it, and then they could get qi way faster.