Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Dedicated TeamSpeak Server (Hear me out)
First, I realize money is a major issue when it comes to hosting a dedicated server, but I'm sure between QI Purchases, VIP, Boosters and maybe even some help pitched in from the community we could get this thing up and running.

And now, my Forum version of a power point presentation

Slide 1:

Why should we have a dedicated Toribash teamspeak server? Well I suppose the obvious reasoning would be far more community driven interaction, not to mention imagine the influx of clans. Think about this, your average Toribash new user comes into the game and drops out of play probably ~blue belt. If you have a dedicated TeamSpeak shown on the top bar saying "Come to our team speak IP:________" I'm positive lots of people will come in, make new friends, develop a clan, and stay in the game. A perfect example of this could be reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce.I have been an active member on the rescue force, and saved quite a few people using it, only because of the Teamspeak on the top of the page.

Slide 2:
The Teamspeak server doesn't NEED to be for game play only. There could absolutely be rooms in the server dedicated to the market, talking to people while streaming your process of making a head so they could ask questions that would be answered, private dev, mod, market squad, admin rooms etc. And how would you maintain said server aside from all the things people are purchasing? Make it so that if a clan want's a private dedicated room inside the server, charge them for it. Right, back to my earlier points. With all the rooms for Marketing and streaming, you could essentially render PM obsolete for people who are online at the same time, but PM could still be used for people who need to communicate but are in separate time zones and never online at the same time.

Slide 3:
Just quickly referring back to slide 1 with new players, I know you're thinking "Oh just use skype, lel fagt spertin es so dum" Yeah well no, you're wrong. No person is just going to be like "OH LOOK RANDOM PERSON LETS ADD THIS GUY TO SKYPE" No, they won't, however, the Teamspeak server could offer an opportunity for players to meet, get to know each other without risking any personal info, and then start a clan together, not ONLY could that happen, but those clans that paid for a room (Which should be really cheap) Could open it publicly for recruitment and actually meet someone before they post their app to the forums.

Finally, not only is this server a potential money maker, it is also a way for the players of Toribash to come together as an even more tight knit community, keep new players interested in the game, and start more clans.
Thanks for hearing me out, I had a slide four but while writing slide 3 I forgot what it was, totally spaced out, if I remember it I'll post it back up.
I have a TeamSpeak server set up already. It's not specifically made for Toribash, but you're welcome to join and create a channel.

The address is ferous.net.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
I think it would be cool to see teamspeak servers. It would probably get the community more interacted rather then people marketing in tourneys or bet servers etc. Supported
this is a great idea. Make some money off of this, and they could form an even larger community.

Yeah, I dunno, I feel like it would not only help the community grow but stay together, if you know what I mean, just adding more people to the pile, but it could also help Toribash grow as a whole.
Well, the teamspeak is useful in-game, and you coordinate much better with the teammates, which increases the chances of winning in Shooter games, but in Toribash, the clan mates would tell you what joints to use. Supported

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Last edited by ESoldier25; Jan 2, 2015 at 08:01 AM. Reason: Left as a reminder
Originally Posted by XnonXx View Post
And the brazilian/russian/asian/etc.. which dont know how to speak english, will have your own Channel? i support

Yeah of course, there is so much diversity in the Toribash community that I think it would only make sense for different language speaking groups have their own place to communicate.
ViperTech did one server some time ago, with rooms for some clans and for other games like dota and lol. The server was toribash.de but it dont work anymore.
Probably because not much people was realy using it. But anyway your idea is very nice.
That will just require more moderating against racism,Flaming, Or just being a dick in general. Cool Idea, but not supported.