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Wushu backflip to decap v1
Hey guys, I'm pretty new with replay making, just made this move (I kinda like it, because I'm not very skilled).

I'm already getting along with movements and what each joint do, but I have a major problem: smoothness.

Do you have any tips to uhh... Make my moves more "smooth"? As you can see in the attached replay, my moves are stiff and look unrealistic. Idk if I explained well, but any help and commentaries would be very welcome!
Attached Files
Backfilp to decap v1.rpl (41.1 KB, 30 views)
A healthy tip to remember: DON'T USE MUSHU

It's an instagib mod and has 50 turnframes. Use classic.tbm (the default one the game starts with) and tinker around with the gamerules
Heart of Gold
Thanks for the tips ^^
If it's not ask much, do you have any tips with my "stiffness" problem? I feel like a robot moving.
Most people when it comes to fluidity use a lot of relaxed joints.

Alright, I'll give a quick little tutorial:
When you're going for fluidity, it is crucial that you use relaxed joints. Not, continuous relaxed joints, but when you get a section of your body moving (for example: right rotating chest, extending right pec, contracting left pec - turning your upper body right), you build up enough momentum, then relax some joints, because when you relax joints, they automatically go into whatever position is most efficient for keeping that momentum.

Instead of using 50 frames or something that high, set them to 10. It's a lot more useful for pinpointing areas. But, just using 10 frames per space wont help. When you are trying to perfect something, hold shift, then press space. It uses 1 frame instead of 10.

Finally, it's really, really hard and not known to make a replay in one try. Every time you do something (example: a kick) press R. It will play the replay and you can see your progress. Then, when you find where you left off in the replay, press P and it will pause the replay at the exact frame you pressed P at. Then, if you paused too early, hold shift and press P. It will hop to the next frame. Do this untill you get to the frame you want, Then press E to jump into editing mode.

Replaymaking is a very tedious and time-consuming process, but it feels great when you finish!

Hope this helped! ^-^

Here are some replays for example:
Attached Files
Mmmmmmmanip.rpl (237.6 KB, 12 views)
Spinny.rpl (225.1 KB, 14 views)
Poltergeist.rpl (139.2 KB, 8 views)
Also known as CombatBot
Wow, thanks for the useful tips! I didn't know about that relax stuff. Hopefully I will get better movements and fluidity with a lot of practice.
Just one more thing: I heard it's better use "heavy"(high?) gravity to make replays. Is that true? I use the default -9.something
Those are sweet replays you got there, I will study them and they will be very helpful.

Thanks again for wonderful tips, they will come in handy.
No problem! And yes, -30 gravity is most commonly used. It's what I used in Spinny and Poltergeist
Also known as CombatBot
The gravity depends what you are going for, 9.82 can be very very smooth but is very unrealistic in the fact that you get a butt ton of speed and tend to bounce off the ground. If you wanna make replays in this I suggest you learn how to wushu3 or brushu first doing that will increase your skill level highly.

-30 on the other hand tends to be a little less smooth but that's just personal opinion and it's a bit slower but has a lot more realism. try going into sparring if you prefer working more realism, once you learn one, learn the other. It's what I did. If you want any more help or tips/replays add my skype, dehbanana
Practice in the default mod and experiment with the joints. Going into wushu immediately would not help because wushu, in itself, already requires better understanding of your joints.
Heart of Gold