Original Post
Rate my spar
Again i just started, i need some helpful tips on improving this spar.
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Bad spar.rpl (360.8 KB, 29 views)
This is my first time i noticed i fell forward a bit but im not sure how to stay upwards but i cant. im not sure how to make the ending more interesting, how do you think i should?
  1. Your 2nd spar seemed quite a bit stiff
  2. When you're spinning, don't start spinning and stop to spin the other way
You're doing good for beginning sparring. Keep working on fluid moves.
You are doing Great ! for a Brown belt sparring! keep up
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So I rate this 4 or 5/10 you were stiff for all of the replay not much flow but there were a few times when you had some a lot of twitching going on and it wasn't the most realistic thing that you could do.

sp self spars are hard yes I know but you can do a lot better if you take a bit more time to plan out your next move since there is no rush. if this was your first nj but you can still improve always.