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So I just started playing TB after a long time of inactivity due to school, and a lot of what I realized is that more and more players complain about lifting. I just got into a game in which this player put him self in that position to be lifted, so I just took the win by lifting my shoulders, extending those ankles and slamming him down in the next few frames. He told me "lifts suck dick" in /em, called me a lifter and left.

I was wondering how you guys actually feel about this move being used in Aikido. Is it a legitimate technique, or is it a nooby/cheap move?
"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee
It's legitimate.

Aikido in Toribash is about controlling your own AND your opponents Tori onwards to your victory. If you win by lifting them up and putting them down outside the ring, that's fine by me, since it only shows that you are better at controlling the Toris.

One of my favorite type of aikido-games has been when I've gotten lifted, landed near the edge and gotten a real powerful throw over the shoulder.

Keep Toribash free of choice in technique! Keep lifting!

(Unless you do that lower shoulder/contract pecs opener, then you must die!) ;)

Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Let's just say, it pisses me off when it happens to me.
It pisses them off when I do it to them. ;)

Honestly, I dislike it. But I'll do it if I have the chance.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Don't do that shit. The dojo is small so try to make the match lift/shovel free if you respect your opponent to fight.
There are better moves like suplexes, throws and trips. You can even be low and make your opponent lose their balance.
I respect my opponent if he/she suplexes, throws or trips me in aikido and I'd save that replay incase they want to join TA.

I don't give a shit about what you do in there. Play cheap, lift, shovel, tripod, snapkick if you want to be that guy.
Everyone does anyway...

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by TimmyboyG View Post
Don't do that shit. The dojo is small so try to make the match lift/shovel free if you respect your opponent to fight.
There are better moves like suplexes, throws and trips. You can even be low and make your opponent lose their balance.
I respect my opponent if he/she suplexes, throws or trips me in aikido and I'd save that replay incase they want to join TA.

I don't give a shit about what you do in there. Play cheap, lift, shovel, tripod, snapkick if you want to be that guy.
Everyone does anyway...

See, I used to be the kind of player who "respected" opponents by restricting myself from doing things that they don't like (i.e. leg grabbing), but now I've grown to be a competitive, do-anything-to-win kind of guy.

The only thing I won't do is shovel, simply because it's been engraved in my head as a white belt to not do that. I don't enjoy it.
"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee
lifts and shovels are the bane of tb because they are so easy to do and they are over-used. Don't do anything to win, its no fun that way. You can still be competitive and not shovel/lift to win. You just need to find better techniques, you won't learn any useful information of you shovel/lift your way to god belt. You won't actually be good at the game.

Hell, I'd be better then you and i don't even play mp.
That do-anything-to-win mentality is what ruins TB as it often causes people do play cheap thus making it less fun. You see in this thread that people don't like getting lifted but like lifting people. I think as a player you need to make sure your opponent has a nice match as well which doesn't happen when you lift.
And the things Dscigs said.

i am a bird now - Lil B

It's not always fun to lift.

The only game-play I dislike is running and to a lesser extent, pointholding, so compared
to these, lifting is alright.
However, when the lift is too strong (when they're lifting big), the match is over too soon
and you don't get to have fun. Maybe I'm one of the few that play this game for fun?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
if you play to win, lift. if you play for fun, don't lift.

you obviously prefer to win, so that's fine. why give a shit about what other people think? if they want to muck about, let them make their own lobby.
Lifting is fine and only people who complain about it suck even harder than me.
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