Original Post
(Pix) Recruitment

Replay help at the bottom of this page!



Example App 1:

1. ExampleMan
2. ExampleMan123 on Skype, ExMan000 on Steam
3. GMT -5
4. Mercury
5. (ExampleClan), left because they had too many inactive members.
6. I am an artist! I draw sketches for things like forum art, I'm not too good at tori art. I also like to make music, maybe we could have a clan song?
7. I like the theme, the jazzy detective theme. It's really smooth, and I'm glad that a clan exists that has some of the things I really like in it. I've been looking to join a clan for a while, and this seems perfect.
8. ABD, Aikido, and xspar. I'm currently working on improving my running in parkour.
9. 75 (I post a lot, but I don't make events or anything.
10. 90 (I love to play Toribash, I like the game itself, the fighting is intense and it's fun to decorate my character.
11. I like to ski and snowboard when it gets cold, and I sometimes work with abandoned animals at the local shelter. I got into TB from a close friend, who thought I'd like it.
12. 15
13. USA
14. English and a little bit of classroom Spanish. (I want to learn French someday!)
15. ExampleReplay.rpl

Example App 2:

Hi, my name is ExampleMan, and I'm an avid Toribash player. I live in the USA, and I'm 15. I play a lot of games, but TB is my favorite. I generally spend more time ingame than on the forums, but I'd say that I would get a 75 for Forum, and a 90 for Ingame.

My favorite mods to play are ABD and xspar, though I really want to learn how to parkour. My favorite planet is Mercury.

I'm interested in (Pix) because I like the theme it has, it's very smooth and sexy, I love jazz music and I really love detective novels. My favorite ones are the Alex Cross series by James Patterson. I've been looking for a nice clan, and this one seems like the right fit. I am an artist! I do mostly forum art, I'm not too great with Tori art. I'm also pretty awesome when it comes to music!

I ski and snowboard whenever it gets cold enough. I also really like animals, and I go and help at the shelter from time to time. I know English, and a tiny bit of classroom Spanish. Don't expect me to translate anything though! I plan to go to France someday, so I'd like to learn French too.

You can find me on Steam @ ExMan000, or Skype @ ExampleMan123.

I've left some replays here.


If you fail your application, you may re-apply in five days.


Replay Help

Step 1: Open up a post. You should see 'Post Quick Reply' and 'Go Advanced' buttons at the bottom.

Step 2: Click Go Advanced.

Step 3: You should see the headings 'Reply to Thread' and 'Additional Options'.

Step 4: Scroll down to Additional Options and pick the third mini-heading, 'Attach Files'.

Step 5: Click Manage Attachments.

Step 6: A little window should open up. Go to the first button that says 'Choose File'.

Step 7: Click Choose File.

Step 8a: Navigate to the following place in the file explorer. (STEAM)
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Toribash/replay/*yourreplayhere*

Step 8b: Navigate to the following place in the file explorer. (NON-STEAM)
C:/Games/Toribash *yourversionnumber*/replay/*yourreplayhere*

Step 9: Now that you've selected the replay you want, go back to the little window. Check that next to 'Choose File' it now says *yourreplayhere*

Step 10: Click 'Upload'.

Step 11: Complete your post.

Step 12: That's it!


1. I'd like to join because it's a clan and I want a clan.
2. I can give you tc!
3. I can help with wars. (So can anyone, what makes you stand out?)
4. I don't know how to post replays. (It's right above!)


When you first apply you start at 0.

Yes is +1
No is -1
Neutral and Waiting are +-0
That value is r

To get in, r must be greater than 0 after two days.

Example 1

User1 posted an app on May 10th. r = 0.

By May 12th, he had 3 yesses and one no. r + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 3.

3 is greater than 0.

Therefore User1 is in.

Example 2

User2 posted an app on March 1st. r = 0.

By March 3rd, he had 3 nos, 1 neutral and 2 yesses. r + 1 + 1 + 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 = -1

-1 is less than 0.

Therefor User2 is not in.
Last edited by Boerhae; May 17, 2015 at 02:35 AM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Well, if you need some help running the clan.

Shoot me an invite or a Pm to apply when this is done.
2.Steam mason12213
3.morning and night times *i`m home at 4:03 and leave 8:20 in mornings*
4.i like pluto its just ice and i eat ice alot
6.ill try to get people to join in to the clan
7.i want to join this clan because its seem nice to help you guys out
8.spars and i like to trick like do backflips corks ect.
10.i join every day put play alone so 20%
11. *im kind of a good tricking kid and kind of good at spars put can be rude from time to time for no resone* *sorry bad spelling again*
12. *12*
13.i dont know im to yong :P
14. *AMERICA i was bone here and i dont know other languages its native*
Attached Files
Last edited by mason222; Mar 31, 2015 at 02:13 AM.
"one thread at a time good sir"= backseat moderation (chirs: ah yes big brain time)"
2.Steame mason12213 I've never heard of 'Steame', nice spelling, shows effort.
3.morning and nighttimes *school at noon* Well this is unhelpful, when is noon for you? It could be a completely different time for me.
4.EARTH! You haven't read the rules.
6.new members You would be the only new member. Also, nice spacing and capitalization.
7.i whant to be in a clan i never did join a clan befor You did not answer the question. Why THIS clan in particular? And your spelling, again, is horrid.
8.idk Then how am I going to know that you're reliable for wars? Or even what talents you have ingame?
9.100 With 18 posts, I highly doubt that. Honesty would be nice.
10.100 Again, debatable. You aren't a master belt and I don't see you ingame all day!
11. *secrect* What's a 'secrect'? And you're refusing to tell us about yourself? Granted it's optional, but I literally know nothing about you.
12. *secrect* Again, 'secrect'?
13. *MERICA F**K YEAH* Okay, fine, I know your country, but that doesn't clear TOO much up. And that's not the type of answer you would put on a job application, is it?

Overall, definitely denied. Absolutely no way.

Edit: User edited their application, but that's not how it works. After a denial, you may re-apply in six days, do not go editing your post.
Last edited by Boerhae; Mar 31, 2015 at 02:24 AM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
1. Name - KaTe/KitKaTe
2. Means of communication (Skype, steam, etc.) - Kik?
3. GMT/Timezone/Times when you can play - uhm eastern US.
4. Favorite Planet - Mercury
5. Previous Clans and why you left/were kicked - My clan because I was bored and others a long time ago
6. Things you can contribute to the clan - Power, money, swagyolo420blaze <- Kidding.
7. Why this clan? - Because I like to help clans. and you seem cool.;o
8. Best Mods - ABD, ABD, ABD, ABD, and um.. ABD.
9. Forum Activity (1-100, 100 is best) - 50
10. In-Game Activity (1-100, 100 is best) - 85
11. Other things you would like to add about yourself (Optional but highly recommended) - I am best kitty and I like TB.
12. Age (Optional) - 16
13. Location (Optional) - Eastern US
14. Native Language/Languages you speak well? - Gaelic and English
15. REPLAYS! - I dont do replays
Last edited by KitKaTe; Mar 31, 2015 at 02:52 AM.
Originally Posted by KitKaTe View Post
1. Name - KaTe/KitKaTe
2. Means of communication (Skype, steam, etc.) - Kik?
3. GMT/Timezone/Times when you can play - uhm eastern US.
4. Favorite Planet - Uranus Read the rules please!
5. Previous Clans and why you left/were kicked - My clan because I was bored and others a long time ago
6. Things you can contribute to the clan - Power, money, swagyolo420blaze <- Kidding. I like a sense of humor, but there has to be something serious you've got to offer!
7. Why this clan? - Because I like to help clans. and you seem cool.;o
8. Best Mods - ABD, ABD, ABD, ABD, and um.. ABD.
9. Forum Activity (1-100, 100 is best) - 50 183 posts, not too bad, just post consistently on our clan page.
10. In-Game Activity (1-100, 100 is best) - 85
11. Other things you would like to add about yourself (Optional but highly recommended) - Best girl around town and I like to be cute. Hehe.
12. Age (Optional) - 16
13. Location (Optional) - Eastern US
14. Native Language/Languages you speak well? - Gaelic and English
15. REPLAYS! - I dont do replays Why? Not too good at freeplay?

Did it through a quote this time. I'm giving you a yes and inviting you as soon as you leave KaTe.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
1. My name is Sky, but you can call me Nies if you like...
2. Communication options are Skype... That's basically it. XD
3. I'm in the west coast time zone of the united states and can mostly play for a couple hours after 430. :3
4. Probably Venus. Just because I play Destiny and its a cool environment.
5. I was in Gryphon. pretty shitty clan. I left for that reason. next I believe I was in (Ne) my memory is blurry but it was probably forum attendance based. :/ the next clan was Beta (B). I loved that clan but it sadly died... next clan up to the stage is [Nitro]. I loved this clan. it was a lot of fun and I had a lot of friends after the fact, I left because everyone in the clan hated me for being a Brony... so... yeah. and the final clan was [MyLittle] my favourite clan. I got kicked for how little I posted on forums.
6. A funny personality, and full on aikido skillz... XD
7. I like the idea of being in a clan that's just starting up I felt like I could be a positive addition and get this clan on its feet. not me individually... but as a group.
8. ABD and just regular Aikido. I also like ninjutsu.
9. Lol... mabye a 10-100? sorry. I'm not the one to post. If and when you want me to I will.
10. about a 60-100.
11. I am a Brony and I love my ponies and anime... its a fact I'm sorry.
12. 15
13. born in the UK but currently I am in Oregon, USA
14. English. just English
15. I've fixed the problem... heres some!
Attached Files
aik 103.rpl (60.2 KB, 4 views)
fucking winning.tbm.rpl (63.0 KB, 4 views)
dubz.rpl (54.8 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by Nies; Apr 1, 2015 at 01:52 AM. Reason: I buggered up the time
1. Jonathan
2. All I Have Is Steam :3
3. I play 5 hours a day And Have pacific coast time
4. I Like Earth cause its where I live...
5. I Left Badco Cause They Were Dis respectful
6. I Would Say A Full Time Gamer... And Am Good At Tb So xD I Could Fight In Wars and ext.
7. Cause I Am Helping out a buddy Boer and I think we can make this a great clan
8. Akido And Eduardo free run xD
9. 50
10. 100
11. Well Irl I Love To play basket ball it is my favorite sport And personally like tori bash more :3
12. Only 11 XD
13. I Live In California
14. All I Speak is American but I speak it fluently
15. And Here Are Some Boss replays!
Attached Files
Get Up And Try Uke.rpl (183.1 KB, 11 views)
Um Concon.rpl (49.5 KB, 8 views)
1. I don't think you can pronouce it. Jędrzej.
2. Teamspeak works best with me.
3. CEST, usually I can play after school so from 6.
4. I guess Mercury.
5. I don't think I was in any clan before.
6. Pure skill and easy wins .
7. I like the (Pix) tag.
8. Aikido, Aikdo BD and Wushu.
9. I wasn't in any clan before, I'm not even sure how the forum works.
10. Probably around 70.
11. I'm pole so my english isn't flawless. Besides TB I like playing league of legends and i'm pretty good at it (diamond 3 seasons in row).
12. 18.
13. Poland, Krakow.
14. Polish, I like to think I can speak english well. I can say few words in french aswell.
15. Here is one of my replays!
Attached Files
replayy.rpl (159.5 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Abaddon122; Mar 31, 2015 at 07:09 PM.
Originally Posted by Abaddon122 View Post
1. I don't think you can pronouce it. Jędrzej. 2. Teamspeak works best with me. I don't use one, can you get a Skype or Steam?
3. CEST, usually I can play after school so from 6.
4. I guess Mercury. Lucky Guess, but read the rules.
5. I don't think I was in any clan before.
6. Pure skill and easy wins . Anything forumwise? That's important too.
7. I like the (Pix) tag. ...You like the tag. That sort of speaks for itself.
8. Aikido, Aikdo BD and Wushu.
9. I wasn't in any clan before, I'm not even sure how the forum works. Okay, that's not good. But I was accepted into my first clan with no posts, so I'll think about it.
10. Probably around 70. Thanks for honesty on this.
11. I'm pole so my english isn't flawless. Besides TB I like playing league of legends and i'm pretty good at it (diamond 3 seasons in row). I don't play any LoL so I have no clue what you mean, but thanks for the info, it shows effort.
12. 18. That's good.
13. Poland, Krakow.
14. Polish, I like to think I can speak english well. I can say few words in french aswell.
15. Here is one of my replays!

Originally Posted by Jon2003 View Post
1. Jonathan
2. All I Have Is Steam :3
3. I play 5 hours a day And Have pacific coast time
4. I Like Earth cause its where I live... Read the rules.
5. I Left Badco Cause They Were Dis respectful
6. I Would Say A Full Time Gamer... And Am Good At Tb So xD I Could Fight In Wars and ext. Another 'I'm good at wars' comment. Forums are important too!
7. Cause I Am Helping out a buddy Boer and I think we can make this a great clan
8. Akido And Eduardo free run xD Eduardo free run...?
9. 50 Get it up a little!
10. 100
11. Well Irl I Love To play basket ball it is my favorite sport And personally like tori bash more :3 Pretty simple but I'll take it.
12. Only 11 XD You're even younger than me, make sure you keep your maturity up!
13. I Live In California
14. All I Speak is American but I speak it fluently
15. And Here Are Some Boss replays!

Originally Posted by Nies View Post
1. My name is Sky, but you can call me Nies if you like...
2. Communication options are Skype... That's basically it. XD
3. I'm in the west coast time zone of the united states and can mostly play for a couple hours after 430. :3
4. Probably Venus. Just because I play Destiny and its a cool environment. Read the rules.
5. I was in Gryphon. pretty shitty clan. I left for that reason. next I believe I was in (Ne) my memory is blurry but it was probably forum attendance based. Forum activity is important! :/ the next clan was Beta (B). I loved that clan but it sadly died...It was sad ;-; next clan up to the stage is [Nitro]. I loved this clan. it was a lot of fun and I had a lot of friends after the fact, I left because everyone in the clan hated me for being a Brony... so... yeah. and the final clan was [MyLittle] my favourite clan. I got kicked for how little I posted on forums. As I said, posting is very important.
6. A funny personality, and full on aikido skillz... XD Forum skills? No? Okay ;-;
7. I like the idea of being in a clan that's just starting up I felt like I could be a positive addition and get this clan on its feet. not me individually... but as a group.
8. ABD and just regular Aikido. I also like ninjutsu. MAJOR plus for me, I love ninjutsu
9. Lol... mabye a 10-100? sorry. I'm not the one to post. If and when you want me to I will. You will need to.
10. about a 60-100.
11. I am a Brony and I love my ponies and anime... its a fact I'm sorry. Why? Nobody minds!
12. 15
13. born in the UK but currently I am in Oregon, USA
14. English. just English
15. sadly my Toribash file is being a dick so its not working as soon as I get Skype up and working I'll send you some... THANKS Okay, I can wait.

Everything bolded is something important. Usually a problem but maybe something I like!


Jon, I love both of yours, that's a real nice plus.

Abad, interesting madman, could use a little work but I like it.


Jon: Yes
Abaddon122: Yes
Nies: Waiting until you send out those replays to vote.
Last edited by Boerhae; Mar 31, 2015 at 10:55 PM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!