Original Post
[SOLVED] Can't see any servers in list
Server list is entirely unpopulated, everything else seems fine.
when using /jo to manually create a room to join a room from free play, i get the message

Failed to connect to lobby 22001 socket wsa error 10061

Halp? Started a few days ago randomly.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Firewall hasn't changed, nothings changed on my end.
obviously can still connect to, which i assume is the same server that hosts the game.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
Yup. even if i disable my a/v and firewall, it's still not working.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C
This is weird, do you remember anything changing recently during the day when the problem started happening? Did you change internet provider or something? Different router, anything that could possibly be related? Meanwhile, check faq board for threads regarding connectivity, especially port forwarding.

Also as a last resort when people have this kind of problem, general feedback is that using VPN helps, few people mentioned they used hotspotshield and were able to play.

Oh of course, how could I forget. There was even a server change some time ago which made older versions completely uncompatible.
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 3, 2015 at 02:13 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
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ºÝØÓÐ àÐáØáâ

Join Date: Dec 2007

server list not found, socket error
They changed servers few days ago.
Just download new version of toribash.

Will update with if that works. I am (probably) running an old client, considering last time i dl'ed a new client was a few years back.

Update: Worked. Ty for the help, folks.
Last edited by TheJFX; Apr 3, 2015 at 12:36 AM.
C3 died. DP died. C3 died again
Every clan i join dies :C