Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How do it work?
How does the clan ranking system work? do you get points for winning wars? if so where can they be viewed?
They can be viewed here (It's the number for each clan, ex: WAPOW is 1st)

The more Wars you have the more points you get. You get points even if you lose, but you gain more if it's a win.

Example (q&a):
Q: Do the clans points ever restart, becuase if not how would a new clan ever become rank 1?

A: By warring a lot.
Take [WAPOW] for example
They are relatively new, but got to first place by fighting a lot of wars.

Other info (posted by a WAPOW member answering someone):
We used to fight like 4 wars a day and depending on how efficiently you war you can get like 16 points in a 10 game war pretty easy. We used to war a lot and that's how we got to where we are. We have almost 3.5k points so just war a lot and it takes quite a while but eventually you get up to the top 5. Also if you stop warring for a certain amount of time your clan will start loosing points so you have to keep warring to make sure you don't start dropping points

Sounds like a somewhat unfair system. But I don't judge a clan by the points or rank. It's all about the players in the clan.

its not unfair it just means the most active warring clans will be at the top. Its just like the global ranking system it dosent actually mean anything its just bragging rights

I hope that helps you!
Adding onto what Rune said, Warring often helps you get points, yes. But taking us (Wapow) for example again, we have less wars then Nitro. The amount of players active in the war and the amount of wins each person gets and if each person also effects how many points you get for that war.
Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
hmm i didn't even know that last part eltyion xD
well warring is complicated and new clans get tons of points for warring big clans (doesn't matter if they lose or win as long as they war points are given)
that is how Nitro shot up so fast we warred [War] [Obey] and many others daily, i think in our prime we averaged around 5 wars daily, each one is a loss ofc but we still got points.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert