Original Post
Lilwalt & Brubert's Art Shop
Hello and welcome to
Lilwalt & Bruberts
art shop!

Head shop:

Some of the heads for sale was made in a higher resolution
than toribash uses, som quality loss may occur.

Examples of heads NOT FOR SALE

Heads for sale:

None, sold out.

Sold heads:

200 tc + 130 tc tip Sold to Phosphine

If you want to request a head, fill out this form:

Willing to pay:

Avatar shop:

Animated ones:

These are made of replays that you provide:

Just fill out this form:

How long (up to what frame):
What shader do you want (if any particular):

They cost 2k tc each

Last edited by Brubert; Sep 15, 2008 at 01:53 AM.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
I like the example head 3 I want it...
So, your probably reading this right now.
And its probly boring. You can stop reading but read on if you want to. So yea kthnxbai.
if u want a head customly made just post here with details and colors if u want an avatar made post here ur replay what shader u wont on and how long u want it to be
So basically its impossible to get that head?
So, your probably reading this right now.
And its probly boring. You can stop reading but read on if you want to. So yea kthnxbai.
can i get a free avvy
i can get a a rpl if u want but i might be nooby

How long (up to what frame):200frames
What shader do you want (if any particular):like tortles