Original Post
Any help with moves
Ok i engineered a move it works on free play but not on multiplayer it goes like this
(this is for mushu)

Hold both shoulders
contract left pec, extend right
right rotate chest
left bend lumbar
extend left pec contract right
left rotate chest
contract right knee
extend left knee
extend right knee
contract right hip
contract left pec extend right
right rotate chest
extend left hip
space until done

canvanyone tell me why this doesnt work in multiplayer?
I don't have time to check the replay now, but I can tell you this:

Spacing twice in a multiplayer match is a bad idea. It gives your opponent one free turn to do whatever he wants with you while you do nothing to counter it.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
to answer your real question, freeplay has different settings than mushu. a kick that will decap in freeplay will miss in mushu because you are farther away in mushu.
also the gravity and dm thresholds are different, there are many variables that change when you switch mods, that is why you never see someone using a mushu opener in aikido.
^all assuming you didn't change the mod
IF you did change the mod in freeplay then it's most likely because you didn't take into account that your opponent is not just going to stand there and wait for your foot to slash his body to pieces. the best mushu moves have multiple paths you can take for the second turn to adapt to your opponents move. My favorite mushu kick can be turned into a punch or a knee simply by adjusting the shoulders chest and lumbar. take your move and find where you can improve it so that it can adapt to your opponents move
(DO NOTE that in order to adapt to your opponent a good understanding of the joints will be needed but that will come as you play more.)
i did the move and i'll just tell you now that a good mushu move plans to hit the opponent within the second or third turn, any more than that and your opponent probably has already hit you. i'll give you an example just for show

mushu move example

Attached Files
example mushu kick.rpl (16.4 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Day; Apr 13, 2015 at 01:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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